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[오늘의 표현]Today’s ten dollar word : in remission (병의)차도가 있는

카테고리 없음

by 새벽한결 2021. 11. 24. 11:19


Today’s ten dollar word : in remission (병의)차도가 있는

If someone who has had a serious disease such as cancer is in remission or if the disease is in remission, the disease has been controlled so that they are not as ill as they were.


Chun had multiple myeloma, a blood cancer which was in remission, and his health had deteriorated recently. An aloof, ramrod-straight Chun during his mid-1990s trial defended the coup as necessary to save the nation from a political crisis and denied sending troops into Gwangju.(CNN)

전두환은 혈액암인 다발성 골수종이 차도를 보였으나 최근 건강이 악화되었다. 1990년대 중반 재판에서 오만하고 강경한 전 씨는 그가 일으킨 쿠데타를 정치적 위기에서 조국을 구하기 위해 필요했다고 옹호하고 광주에 군대를 보낸 것을 부인했다.


The country’s most vilified former military dictator, he seized power in a coup and ruled his country with an iron fist for most of the 1980s. (New York Times/subtitle)

한국에서 가장 비난을 많이 받은 전 군사독재자 전두환, 그는 쿠데타로 정권을 장악하고 1980년대 대부분의 기간을 철권통치로 나라를 통치했다.


Reference)1. myelo- USUK [ máiəlou,-lə ] Myelo- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “marrow” or “of the spinal cord.”

2. myeloma US [ |maɪə|loʊmə ] UK [ |maɪə|ləʊmə ]